also known as

美 [ˈɔːlsoʊ noʊn æz]英 [ˈɔːlsəʊ nəʊn æz]
  • 亦称为;别名
also known asalso known as


as known or named at another time or place
Mr. Smith, alias Mr. Lafayette
Synonym: alias a.k.a.


  1. Peter Wilson , also known as ' the Tiger ' .


  2. The Universal Product Code symbol , also known as the ‘ bar code ’ , is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read .


  3. So , as I said to you , natural medicine is also known as holistic medicine


  4. Internet addresses are also known as URLs .


  5. Merbromin is also known as mercurochrome .


  6. A wet dream is also known as a nocturnal emission .


  7. The insect , also known as the tomato leaf miner , devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks .


  8. So in Quebec , Canada Day is also known as Moving Day .


  9. Misophonia , also known as selective sound sensitivity syndrome , starts with a trigger .


  10. The concept is also known as password chaos6 or more broadly as identity chaos .


  11. It is also known as the festival of colours or the festival of love .


  12. Asteroids , also known as " minor planets " , are numerous in the outer space .


  13. Webtoons , also known as webcomics , are Internet-based comic strips available through cellphones .


  14. Eisuke Temple stupa also known as the Pagoda of Six Harmonies .


  15. A cyberflaneur is also known as a virtual flaneur , a term that also dates to 1997 . ( Source : Word Spy )


  16. Death stare is a hostile or contemptuous look directed at a particular person , also known as a ' death glare ' .


  17. A desire path ( also known as cow path or goat track ) can be a path created as a consequence of foot or bicycle traffic .


  18. Mockumentary ( also known as mock documentary ) is a genre2 of film and television in which fictitious3 events are presented in documentary format4 .


  19. Vanity sizing , also known as size inflation , is used to refer to the phenomenon of ready-to-wear clothing of the same nominal size becoming larger over time .


  20. Bicycle kick ( also known as overhead kick ) describes a situation when a player kicks the ball in mid-air backwards3 and over his own head .


  21. Muscle dysmorphia , also known as " bigorexia " , may now be affecting one in 10 men who visit gyms in the UK , according to the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation .


  22. Major companies in the travel industry have become aware of the substantial money ( also known as the " pink dollar " or " pink pound " ) generated by this marketing minorities .


  23. This is called " soft domestic violence " , also known as emotional abuse . Non-physical abuse toward family members can include ignoring other people 's needs or neglecting to communicate regularly .


  24. The variant of Covid-19 first identified in India last October - called B.1.617.2 - is more transmissible than the UK / Kent variant - also known as B.1.1.7 - according to experts .


  25. Time poverty is used to describe groups of people who , while having a high disposable income through well-paid employment , have relatively little leisure time , also known as " money-rich , time-poor " .


  26. At the end of 2011 , the four major countries ( Mexico , Indonesia , South Korea and Turkey ) , also known as MIKT , made up 73 percent of all Next Eleven GDP .


  27. Pink tourism , also known as gay tourism or LGBT tourism , is a form of niche tourism marketed to gay , lesbian , bisexual and transgender ( LGBT ) people .


  28. Cyberslacking refers to staff who use their work internet access for personal reasons while maintaining the appearance of working . That is also known as goldbricking , " Buca-ing " cyberloafing or cyberbludging , and can lead to inefficiency .


  29. Such energy transformation is also known as energy degradation .


  30. It is also known as dynamic load identification or load reconstruction .
